Monday 7 February 2011

Ways of seeing (advertising)


companies have always used adverts to try and sell their products since forever, they are an extremely effective way of selling generally by emotionally manipulating us. the most common way of manipulation is through jealousy or envy making you look at the beautiful/successful people on the add and thinking that by purchasing whats being sold their life will get better or they will be more attractive.

 Perfume add
 these sorts of adds are a perfect example of advertising with envy. at a glance its a massive, good looking woman not wearing a lot holding some perfume, but the psychological meaning behind this images is making out that by using this perfume the opposite sex will find you attractive and the fact she is towering over the city gives a sense she is powerful and successful again reinforcing the fact that you will be admired, sexy and successful if you use this product.  

    Clothing add
 again a perfect example of making people mainly girls feel like they need something or by purchasing something will give them a certain social status. all that is in this image is a horse, a pretty girl and some expensive looking clothes. but the psychological effect is massive! starting with the horse its a well known marker off social status you automatically assume that if somebody has such a perfectly white horse  they must be loaded! again this gives the impression of class. then moving on to the girl the fact that she is pretty alone makes her desirable  then by making her have these expensive looking clothes and head piece adds to the idea of class.

 Shock Advertising

Other examples of advertising include "shock advertising" mainly used in campaigns like raising money for the disabled or making people think twice about smoking. as the name shock advertising suggests they are intended to shock/disturb. 

this is a prime example of a shock advertisement, the use of the gory/disturbing images catches the readers attention and makes the image stay on his/hers mind, then the simple head line gives a simple message that will make you think. in this case that to many people get hooked on smoking and that you shouldn't to or if you already are to make you think about stopping.

this is an advertisement to encourage careful driving around schools by placing a flyer of a child on you windscreen making it look as if you hit one! again this sort of campaign hits hard and creates mental images that create fear and make you think about the subject constantly.


this for of advertising is generally used as for getting across an idea or to get the reader to think something rather than to purchase something it was used alot in the first/second world war to enspire young men to join the army and to enspired people left at home to do their part.

 this is a group of posters designed to inspire the British public  to do join the war effort, that in most cases was aimed at young men to join the British armed forces portraying the army as glamorous and heroic but the reality was completely different.

this is another poster from wartime Britain it kind of borders on a shock poster, as it has a very strong image of a innocent looking woman labeled as a murderer, this grabs the readers attention then when they are drawn in gives the important message not to talk carelessly. 

1 comment:

  1. only one 'd' in ad. it's short for advertisement no double d there. only use 'add' when you're talking about maths
