Monday 28 February 2011

Multimedia (game/web)

Game design (The total war series)

The total war games are designed and played on PC, it is a strategy battle game and has loads of games in its series,  these games include... Shogun (2000), medieval (2002), Rome (2004), Medieval 2 (2006), Empire (2009), Napoleon (2010) and finally shogun 2  that is soon to be released. the graphic quality between the first and second is incredible. the use of more advance programing and application of techniques such as Ray tracing (giving added thought to light and how it effects an object), applying a better understanding of human anatomy (how the figure moves and reacts to things) ect ect.
Shogun screenshot

as you can see for 2000 the graphic detail was OK for the time but by today's standards isn't very impressive as the units are not very detailed they dont move individually, and are pixalated not allowing you to zoom very far in. 
The scenery is not detailed and rely s on colour alot, for example the sand is only distinguishable by the sandy brown colouring and the water is stationary so again its only because its blue that we understand what it is. 
 unlike in later games in this series objects, buildings and other scenery are few and far between creating a empty and rather boring battle.

Shogun 2 screenshot

this is the newest release in the total war series, as you can see the change in quality is amasing this is an actual in game shot zoomed in on a unit, the detail is ridiculous with incredibly realistic textures and surfaces on the the units and the environment around them, also all the units move individually giving character to individuals and adding realism, this allowes the gamer to get way more involved with the game.

The sence of realism in modern games/ technology has a huge impact on the player due to the fact the player will for a kind of relationship with the in game characters, this is ultimately a good thing as the player will get a much better gaming experience.
This advance in gaming and tech isnt all good though due to the fact people will much easily become obsessed and addicted to these game, this is sparking wide controversy amongst the media after an incident in Korea where a couple got so addicted to playing a second life game where they had to look after a virtual child they allowed their reall life baby to starve to death!      

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