Monday 31 January 2011

The C.R.A.P Princible

The C.R.A.P acronym stands for Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.   

Elements that aren’t the same should be very different so they stand out, this is so the user doesn't subconsciously make links between images that aren't related. for example the main image or focus poiont should stand out from the background.

you should repeat the same styles/theme down the page for a sense of consistency. this ensures the user doesn't get confused and knows they are on the same sight! as you can see the sight below uses the same far eastern theme all over the page both setting the scene and using repetition.

Everything on the page needs to be visually connected to something else, nothing should be out of place or distinct from all other design elements. again below all the sight follows a single column down the center. 

Proximity creates related meaning: elements that are related should be grouped together, whereas separate design elements should have enough space in between to communicate they are different. a good example of this is youtube as they have different sections for different videos.


Monday 24 January 2011



Are rather epic symbols carved into the landscape it is hard to tell what the point in them are, my view is it may have been some kind of tribute to their gods as they only really make sense from the sky.


 Japanese Pictographs

  Pictograms much like Ideograms are  pictures/symbols that represent ideas/concepts, but unlike ideograms they portray a more understandable scene rather than symbol.

the Japanese are famous for mixing Calligraphy with their art work, so in a way most examples of Japanese/Chinese art will contain both pictograms and ideograms (to a certain extent).

in the above picture it is strongly image based with lots of colour, and lots of elements to draw the eye and combined with the symbols will tell a story, all tho due to the fact I cant read these i am unsure as to the story behind it.


Chinese Calligraphy (Ideographic Writing)

Ideograms or in this case ideographic writing are basically pictures/symbols that represent ideas/concepts, much like a Pictogram but far less obvious and far more abstract.

possibly the most famous form of Calligraphy but you may not realize is that the Chinese symbols not only look beautifully artistic but are also ideograms. most of them describe something with rudimentary shape of the subject developed into the symbol itself, giving the letter/symbols more meaning, for example the symbol for human resembles legs so as well as meaning human it also looks like one to.

Cave Paintings

Hand Paintings

The picture above show cave paintings from tens of thousand of years ago, they depict the hands of the ancient tribes from the Santa Cruz province in Argentina. This is believed to have been done by placing your hand on the wall and spraying paint from your mouth onto your hand/wall leaving the silhouette of your hand. This is kind of life early spray painting.

I believe that this is a way of showing a close community, having each of the tribe members to create one of these allows us to see how big the tribes were. Or that stamping boys hand on the cave wall was used to symbolise a him turning into a man.

Cave Painting

this is the most common type of cave painting involving some kind of hunt/chase involving men hunting all sorts of animal, normally deer or buffalo , depending on what part of the world they lived in. the hunters are using bows and arrows, spears an clubs this tells us they had tools and weapons .

the fact that this sort of seen is so common in cave paintings an the amount of detail tells us how important hunting was to their survival and how important it was in their culture.   

Ai tasks

This a full (12) colour wheel  created in adobe illustrator.

ying/yang symbol created in Adobe Illustrator.

an experiment with colours to create a feel of depth in a picture. again created in Adobe Illustrator.  

Wednesday 12 January 2011

comic strip and Flash adventure ideas

This is an initial idea for a comic book layout, the "window" sections will be were i place the images. i have attempted to make this look as metallic and dark as possible. ive also included the biohazard logo to fit with the theme of my comic.
 this is a design 
for the two Heavy doors in my flash adventure. i created these by making two large Grey rectangles adding lots of textures and effects to give a metallic look then added the warning markings cut it up and made it look damaged, then i made the doors inter lock to add realism.

Stokes croft collage

this is a collage me and a few class mates created as a project. we spent about half a day gathering images of street art in stokes croft, the idea was to gather lots of images together and make them look right together in an image, also we had to give the collage a sense of depth. in order to give  the sense of realism/depth i added the brick wall over the top reduced the opacity and change the layer style to 'overlay' giving the feeling of one big graffiti scene and not lots of small ones. then to add more depth i added the security camera to the wall. all this was done using Adobe Photoshop.

consumerism collage

Horror Poster

A horror movie poster i created as part of a college project, it involved a huge amount of masking, blend/ layer styles and other techniques.