Monday 31 January 2011

The C.R.A.P Princible

The C.R.A.P acronym stands for Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.   

Elements that aren’t the same should be very different so they stand out, this is so the user doesn't subconsciously make links between images that aren't related. for example the main image or focus poiont should stand out from the background.

you should repeat the same styles/theme down the page for a sense of consistency. this ensures the user doesn't get confused and knows they are on the same sight! as you can see the sight below uses the same far eastern theme all over the page both setting the scene and using repetition.

Everything on the page needs to be visually connected to something else, nothing should be out of place or distinct from all other design elements. again below all the sight follows a single column down the center. 

Proximity creates related meaning: elements that are related should be grouped together, whereas separate design elements should have enough space in between to communicate they are different. a good example of this is youtube as they have different sections for different videos.


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